Extension Creation

Extension Creation

To create an extension, create a DLL that conforms to the interfaces described above. While the DLL technically doesn't have to be MFC-enabled, using an MFC-enabled DLL to override existing editors and use existing libraries is very helpful.
If it's not an MFC DLL, then you'd have to write all the boilerplate and helper routines in the extension DLL.

The FFHacksterEx GitHub includes a project named FFHExtensions that provides a template to help create extension DLLs in Visual Studio.

You can get it in one of three ways:
  • Clone the FFHExtensions source repo locally ( GitHub ) in the same folder that contains the FFHacksterEx repo;
  • Install the Project Template using the VSIX installer on the Releases page and run it;
  • Build the VSIX installer from source ( GitHub ).

Installing the Project Template

If installing the project template with the VSIX file, close Visual Studio and then run the VSIX file.

NOTE: While it technically suports Visual Studio 2017, it was built and tested against 2019.

Creating extension projects

With the FFHExtensions project open in Visual Studio, add a new project.
This bring up the New Project dialog; filter on "FFH" and the FFHacksterEx Extension template should appear. Click Next.

Rename the extension to your liking.
Note the Location folder in this case is likely set to the \src folder, e.g.
Change this so that the project will be created in the \src\dlls folder, e.g.

The Project Creation Parameters dialog appears next.
Project SymbolThis is the symbol used in DLL import and export statements.
Ini Group NameThe name to use for properties in the values file tied to this extension.
Project Version
The version number to use in the new project.
If left blank, then it defaults to the version of the template itself.

Clicking OK creates the project and expands it in the Solution Explorer.

Debugging the extension

The extension is designed to match this solution's debug settings, so you should be able to debug by setting the extension as the active project, then starting a debugging session.

For information about using extensions DLLs, see Extensions.