


App Settings

Prompt before closingWhen checked, pressing escape displays a prompt to confirm closing the app.
Purge log on startupPurge the log file on startup.
Save hex as UPPERCASEIn certain editors, hex values will save using uppercase digits.
Show background artIf unchecked, turn off the background images.
Display strikeout checkboxes
In some editors. checkboxes are replaced with strikethrough labels.
Click the labels to toggle the strikethrough.
This is a requested experimental feature that was left in and is off by default.
Force new label creationSets the default state of the same checkbox on the project creation windows.
Always compile before runningWhen the Run is clicked, Assembly projects will compile before running.
Browse with File Dialog
When checked, the File Dialog's folder picker UI is used to selected folders.
When unchecked, the Shell Browse for Folder dialog is used instead.
The option is checked by default to use a the File DIalog for folder selection (introduced in WIndows Vista).On XP, this is done via a hack of the file dialog.
Enforce CompatbilityEXPERIMENTAL
This supersedes the Warn option below and if checked disables that option on the dialog.
When checked, an attempt to create an assembly project will attempt to verifyif the assembly handling DLL recognizes the format of the Assembly zip being used to create the project.
If that check fails, then project creation fails.
The check is defined by the assembly handling DLL, not the FFHacksterEx executable.
Warn if loading incompatbile ASM DLLEXPERIMENTAL
Similar to the Enforce option above, but instead of blocking project creation ona failed check it displays a modal warning message before continuing.
Define folder preferences, which are default folders used with various prompts throughout the program.
The "Use Folder preferences" check box toggles the preferences; if unchecked, then the last directory that was OK'd will be used for the next file or folder prompt.
See the section below regarding Folder Preferences.
Executable to run
The run command will attempt to run the specified executable.
Click Browse to select the executable to run.
Parameters are specified in the designated edit control.
If left blank, then the working ROM filepath is passed as the only parameter.
Otherwise, use %1 to indicate where in the params to pass the working ROM filepath.
  • C:\TOOLS\FCEUX\2.2.3\fceux.exe
    Invoke FCEUX with the working ROM file passed as the game to load
  • C:\TOOLS\FCEUX\2.2.3\fceux.exe %1
    Invoke FCEUX with the working ROM file passed as the game to load
  • C:\TOOLS\NES\MESEN\0.9.9\Mesen.exe %1 /VideoScale=2 /DoNotSaveSettings
    Invoke Mesen with the working ROM file, video scaled by 2x, and don't save the settings specified on this command line to the Mesen config file.
Clear MRU NowRemoves all entries from the right-click MRU for the Welcome Screen's Open Project button.
Clear Invalid MRU Entries NowRemoves filepaths that don't exist from the right-click MRU for the Welcome Screen's Open Project button.

Folder Preferences

These folders are used as defaults for the specified types of prompts.
All of these folder settings are optional; if unspecified, the prompts will typically use the folder from the most recent prompt dialog.

NOTE: Set a path to the placeholder to the path *APP to use the application folder.
This allows copying the application folder to another location without having to adjust the paths stored in settings to accommodate the move.
Folder TypeDetail
Additikonal ModulesIf using Extensions, then this is a folder where the application can search to find modules that you want to share between projects.
ArchiveUsed with the Archive command, this is the default folder where project archives will be stored and searched.
Asm Dll Where to look when prompting for an assembly DLL.
When unspecified, the program folder is used.
CleanLooks here for clean copies of ROM files and Assembly zips.
Image Export/ExportSaves and loads images exported from various dialogs (e.g maps).
Map Import/ExportSaves and loads map data files to this directory.
Project ParentThe parent directory used for operations that prompt for one.
For example, project creation.
PublishFolder used with the Publish command.
That command copies the working ROM to an output filename in this folder.


Project Settings

There is a slight difference between ROM and Assembly projects.

ROM projects

Select new reversion filePick a new "clean copy" ROM file to use with the Revert command.
Publish PathIf specified, the Publish command copies the working ROM (with all of your changes) to this filepath.
Additional Modules FolderIf specified, the app will also look here for extensions.

Assembly projects

Select new reversion filePick a new "clean copy" assembly ZIP file to use with the Revert command.
Publish PathIf specified, the Publish command copies the working ROM (with all of your changes) to this filepath.
Additional Modules FolderIf specified, the app will also look here for extensions.
Assembly DLL path The assembly DLL used for the project.
Note that this is available for those implementing new assembly handling DLLs.
If you're just authoring an assembly project, then you can ignore this field.
Suppress Assembly-DLL mismatch warning
When checked, this project will suppress any warning that would otherwise occur when the version of the project assembly source (in the .asmtype file it it exists) doesn't match the version of the Assembly DLL used by the project.
Coerce Asm to DLL compatibility
If the source and DLL are mismatched, then this button will be active.
In that case, clicking it will backup the existing .asmtype file in the assembly source folder, then update it with the asmtype version of the project's Assembly DLL. That will eliminate future warnings.
Note that this does NOT update or alter the actual assembly source code in any way.
It just updates the .asmtype file to eliminate the warning.
You'll have to work out any difficulties or discrepancies by manually comparing the assembly source of the project to that of the version supported by the Assembly DLL.
The Assembly DLL version can be determined in File Explorer by examining the file's properties (the File Version field on the Details tab).

battle-settings]=[Battle Editor Settings

Battle Editor Settings

View Usage
View the places where this battle is used.
Includes sprite-initiated battles, spiked tile battles,Standard map encounters, and Overworld encounters.
This usage denotes where the battle formation is used, but does not indicate if the battle is effectively used.
For example, if battle 40 is assigned to Sprite 4F, then Sprite 4F will appear in the View Usage window. However, Sprite 4F might not be used on any maps in the game.

class-settings]=[Class Editor Settings

Classes Editor Settings

Ignore Hold MP settings When checked, the code that handles Hold MP is ignored.
Checked, this means that class indexes 0 and/or 1 can use magic.
Unchecked: they wont't start with or gain spell charges.

NOTE: Remember to include these classes in the Classes Editor's Starting MP range if you want them to have starting spell changes (not needed if Ignore MP Range below is also checked).
Ignore Post HoldMP settings When checked, the Post Hold MP code is ignored.
Checked: class indexes 6 and/or 7 will use the standard spell charge limit.
Unchecked: they'll use the Post HoldMP spell charge max in the Classes editor.
Ignore MP Range If checked, then the Classes Editor's Starting MP range dropdowns are disabled, and all classes will start with spell charges.
Ignore BBMA If checked, then BBMA adjustments are not made (damage, hit%, crit rate, absorb, hit count).
This effectively turns the BB and MA into standard classes like the other 10.
Note that while the 2x Hits are separate from Class Bonuses in the Classes editor, both respect this option.

enemy-settings]=[Enemy Editor Settings

Enemies Editor Settings

Enemy Byte 15 nameThe text used for the label on the Byte 15 edit group.
Show as flagsIf checked, the byte is represented by 8 check boxes; else, it's a hexadecimal value (0-FF).
View Usage
View the places where this enemy is used.
Includes sprite-initiated battles, spiked tile battles,Standard map encounters, and Overworld encounters.
This usage denotes battles where the enemy appears, but does not indicate if either the battle or enemy is effectively used.
For example, if enemy 61 is assigned to battle 40 and has a non-zero count, then View Usage will display that battle, even if the battle is never used on the Overworld or any Standard map.

magic-settings]=[Magic Editor Settings

Magic Editor Settings

Magic Byte 7 nameThe text used for the label on the Byte 7 text field in the editor.

sprite-dialogue-settings]=[Sprite Dialogue Editor Settings

Sprite Dialogue Settings

Show actual textWhen checked, shows in-game text; otherwise, shows the LABEL for the text.
LengthThe maximum length for dialogue text shown in the grid; longer text is truncated to this length.
Throw if ... invalid handler
When checked, the editor will fail to load if any sprite has an invalid handler or if there are discrepancies between the routines idenfied in the dialogue INI file and the game.
This option is unchecked by default.

NOTE: fields in tables with this tinted background and italicsrequire a specific assembly ZIP archive for Assembly projects to work properly. By default, this is the annotated Disch Assembly.