



The armor editor is intact from its FFHackster incarnation.

Select the armor to edit in the list to the left, and edit the fields as follows:
Price0-65535The purchase cost of the item
Spell CastDroplistThe spell the armor casts if used in battle
Defense0-255The armor's ABSORB rating (reduces damage)
Evade %0-255The armor's EVADE rating (avoid attacks)
Special DefenseFlagsElemental flags against which the armor reduces damage
Equipped ByFlagsFlags to mark which classes can requip the armor
Equipped ByFlagsFlags to mark which classes can requip the armor


Special Attacks

The attacks editor is largely unchanged from FFH; it now exposes all 8 bits of the "negative effect" effectivity flags.
Select the attack to edit in the list to the left, and edit the fields as follows:
Target whole partyCheckCheck to have the attack hit all player characters
Accuracy0-FF (hex)The accuracy value of the attack
ElementFlagsElemental flags used by the attack
Damage/Neg EffectRadioDetermine if tthe attack inflicts damage or an effect
Damage0-255Base damage inflicted by the attack
EffectFlagsEffect flags to inflict on the target



This editor hasn't functionally changed. The UI is slightly different.
A new button was added to display a usage window, see below for more info.
See Battle Settings for information on the settings for this editor.

Enemy ArrangementSpecifies which arrangement this enemy group uses, affecting the max number of enemies and how they are displayed.
This option must match the pattern table used for the battle, or the enemies will display incorrectly. For example, a pattern table formatted as a FIEND must use the Fiend option, or the fiends using the table will be misdrawn (usually in pieces).
Can't Run checked, the player can't run from the battle, and the surprise factor is ignored.
Surprise A byte value, this is the chance for the enemy group to ambush the player party.
Typical range 0-90, the higher the number, the more likely an ambush becomes.
See the GameFaqs FF Formulas thread for more detail on how this value is used in battle.
Views Choose to view the minimum, mean (average), or maximum enemy arrangement. The game stops adding enemies once it reaches 9, and this editor follows suit.
Formation 1-2 Choose the formation for this battle. All battles have two formations, with the second formation only using Enemy tpes 1 and 2.
The second formation has its own Quantities for Enemy types 1 and 2, but all other settings are shared between the two formations.
Pattern Tables The pattern table (i.e. tiles) used for enemy graphics. One or more enemy graphics are represented on a pattern table, depending on the type.
Chaos has his own table, and Fiend tables define graphics for two fiends. Otherwise, there are four enemies on a table - 2 large and 2 small.
There's an editor for these that allows exporting to and importing from bitmaps.
Be very careful using this editor, as improperly formatted graphics will display incorrectly.
Palettes 1-2Palettes available for this enemies in this battle.
Change PaletteChange which palette is used in this palette slot.
Edit Pattern TablesInvokes the pattern table subeditor on the currently selected pattern table.
Enemy 1-4The enemy type used in this slot.
QuantityThe range (0-9) of enemies of this type that can appear in battle.
Palette 1/2Select the palette used for this enemy. Fiends and Chaos use both palettes.
Pic 1-4Select the picture used for this enemy.
View Usage
Click the button to view where the battle is used.
The window that appears will display any Overworld encounter domains, Standard map encounters, spiked square encounters, and Sprite initiated battles.
Note that both formations are represented, where:
  • F1 = Formation 1
  • F2 = formation 2
For example, Battle 7F Formation 1 is used for a sprite battle (Garland),
while Formation 2 is used as a Standard map enconter on TOFR's Air floor (IronGol).



The classes editor has been tweaked to make editing class groupings and ranges easier to handle.

See Class Settings for information on the settings for this editor.

Select the class to edit in the list to the left.

The tables below describe the fields in each part of the editor.

Class Designations

These settings can be disabled via Class Settings. An info icon will appear to remind you of the settings that have been disabled.
You would want to disable these settings if the ROM you are editing has made code changes that are incompatible with the code this editor recognizes (usually the code from the original game).

Manipulating these flags can have some interesting effects.
For example, setting the BBMA 1 and 2 slots to <IGNORE> results in the BlackBelt and Master not using the DAMAGE and ABSORB calculations (so no Armor bug) but still having the doubled hits and double Critical rate.
1 and 2
Select the two classes that will receive the BB/MA stat calculations.
For each, choose any class to give that class the calculations.
Defaults to BL.BELT and MASTER.
Choosing the same class for both effectively means that only that class uses the calculations.
Choosing "<IGNORE>" for both slots means that no class will use the calculations.
The calculations (upon level-up) will:
  • Set DAMAGE = LEVEL * 2
NOTE: if the bytes/code for this feature differs from what the app expects, then this feature will be disabled. The info button icon will appear to inform the user of this.
NOTE: This feature can be disabled (and therefore be ignored when loading and saving) via Class Settings.
1 and 2
Select the two classes that will receive the BB/MA doubled hits.
For each, choose any class to give that class the bonus.
Defaults to BL.BELT and MASTER.
Choosing the same class for both effectively means that only that class gets the bonus.
Choosing "<IGNORE>" for both slots means that no class will get the bonus.
The bonus, which is only active with no weapon equipped, is:
  • Doubled Critical Hit Rate
  • Doubled number of Hits per attack
NOTE: This feature can be disabled (and therefore be ignored when loading and saving) via Class Settings.
1 and 2
Select the two classes that will have MP gains blocked.
For each, choose any class to block MP gains.
Defaults to FIGHTER and THIEF.
Choosing the same class for both effectively means that only that class has MP gains blocked.
Choosing "<IGNORE>" for both slots means that no class will have MP gains blocked.
The classes assigned to these slots will not gain spell charges upon level-up.
NOTE: This feature can be disabled (and therefore be ignored when loading and saving) via Class Settings.
PostHold CapMP
1 and 2
Select the two classes that will have MP gains capped at a lower than normal level.
In the original game, this is used to limit KNIGHT and NINJA to 4 max charges.
Defaults to KNIGHT and NINJA.
Choosing the same class for both effectively means that only that class has the lower MP limit.
Choosing "<IGNORE>" for both slots means that no class observes the MP limit.
This goes hand-in-hand with the HoldMP slots; the two classes selected here are semantically treated as magic-using upgrades to base classes that had magic gains blocked.
e.g. in the original game, Fighter and Thief are the HoldMP classes that don't use magic, while Knight and Ninja are the Post-HoldMP classes that gain magic ability with a lower spell charge max limit than the Wizards.
NOTE: This feature can be disabled (and therefore be ignored when loading and saving) via Class Settings.
Starting MP RangeDropdowns
Identifies the first and last class that will have starting spell charges in a new game.
The classes specified and all classes in between (if any) will get starting spell charges.
Defaults to RedMage and BlackMage.
This differs slightly from FFHackster MP Range:
  • FFH used class IDs, defaults were 3-7 (RedMage and KNIGHT)
  • FFH's range was exclusive, so the second class was the NOT given spell charges
The class in the second list must be at the same position or later than the class in the first list; if it's not, then the second list will be set to the first list's value.
NOTE: This feature can be disabled (and therefore be ignored when loading and saving) via Class Settings.

HP Settings

HP Strong Bonus Range 0-255 The range of HP added during a Strong level-up.
Each time the player reaches a level with the Strong check box checked, a random amount of HP within this range is added to the normal HP gain.
Max HP 0-999* Max player HP, regardless of class.
* NOTE: while there's no hard limit below 65535,
displaying more than 3 digits (i.e. a value > 999) requires a Hex/Asm hack.

Spell Charges

Start 0-255* Level 1 Spell charge count for classes in the MP Range when starting a new game.
* NOTE: While there's no hard limit below 255,
displaying more than 1 digit (i.e. a value > 9) requires a Hex/Asm hack.
Max 0-255* Max spell charges for classes in the MP Range.
* NOTE: While there's no hard limit below 255,
displaying more than 1 digit (i.e. a value > 9) requires a Hex/Asm hack.
Post HoldMP 0-255* Max spell charges for the two Post-Hold CapMP classes.
* NOTE: while there's no hard limit below 255,
displaying more than 1 digit (i.e. a value > 9) requires a Hex/Asm hack.

fi-th-code]=[Class Editor: About the Fighter/Thief MP Code...

Class Editor: About the Fighter/Thief MP Code...

FFH (and therefore FFHEX) stores the bytes of code that carry out the instructions for the lock on Fighter and Thief HP. The idea is that if the feature is active (as in the original game), then upon clicking Save or Done those code bytes are written to the appropriate ROM address.
Otherwise, NOPs are written to prevent the behavior from happening.

These bytes come in two flavors:

However, this breaks if either the bytes are moved around or the functonality is changed. FFHEX attempts to help with this by allowing the bytes and their location to be specified in the values editor.

The code entries are a formatted array of bytes that will be written to the ROM. There are also code offsets and a code length (for a sanity check).
FFHEX behaviour here differs from FFH.
FFHEX takes into account the choices made in the Classes editor during this check.
If the bytes at the location are neither NOPs nor the expected code, then FFHEX will not alter the bytes at all.
This should help avoid overwriting those bytes when (say) the feature has been removed and that section of code has been completely rewritten.
However, this behavior might be removed in a future version, so it's best to explicitly disable HoldMP and Post-HoldMP if your hack rewrote that section of code and no longer uses that feature.

Bear in mind that these features are experimental, so ALWAYS save your work before using any modification tool.
Save at multiple points during editing sessions to ensure you have at least one good recent copy to roll back to if the unthinkable happens.

classes-paste-targets]=[Class Editor: Class List Paste and Swap Targets

Class Editor: Paste and Swap Targets

Right-click any class in the list and a context menu appears.
The copy option always appears, marking the selected class as a copy source.
If a copy has already been established, then two additional menu items appear: Paste and Swap.

Both choices invoke the same options dialog.
Paste overwrites the target with the selected data from the source.
Swap swaps the selected data between the copy source and selected target.

Startup Data
All startup stats (in the Starting Stats area).
This includes Hit% and "MagDef" increases.
Reminder: this excludes starting MP, which is a shared stat.
SAIVL/Strong level data
The SAIVL and Strong flags for all levels.
These are respectively found in the Stat and Strong columns in the level progression grid.
Spell charge level data
The spell charge increase flags for all levels.
These are found in the Magic column in the level progression grid.
Battle graphics
The battle sprites for this class.
TODO: document if it also copies the palette assignment
Mapman graphicsThe overworld map sprites for this class.
Mapman palette
The character-specific palette colors for the overworld sprites.
Note that overworld ("mapman") palettes use both sprite-specific and sharedcolors in the palette.
See Map Sprites for more info.
Weapon permissionsFlags dictating the weapons the class can equip.
Armor permissionsFlags dictating the armor the class can equip.
Magic permissionsFlags dictating the spells the class learn.
AllCheck or uncheck to toggle all other flags on or off.

Paste overwrites the target with the selected data from the source.
For example, if you decide to make the Ninja's starting stats stronger, then you could:
  1. Copy the starting data from the Fighter
  2. Paste it onto the Ninja, overwriting the Ninja's original starting stats.
Remember that Pasting is a destructive operation: once saved it can't be undone.

Swap swaps the selected data between the copy source and selected target.
For example, in the original game, let's say you want to give the Thief starting spells.
Ordinarily you'd need to use hex/assembly hack because of the way this part of the game is coded.
However, you might be able to pull this off by using the Swap feature to switch the positions of the Thief and BlackBelt. Since BlackBelt never starts with or gains spell charges and doesn't learn any spells, that might be sufficient to achieve the effect.
Try these steps:
  1. Right-click Thief, select Copy
  2. Right-click BlackBelt, select the Swap option
  3. On the Swap options dialog, check All, then click OK
    You should see that the class names swapped positions.
    This step effectively swaps everything about the two classes.
  4. Right-click Ninja, select Copy
  5. Right-click Master, select the Swap option
  6. On the Swap options dialog, check everything EXCEPT SAIVL and Spell data
  7. Click OK
    This swaps everything except level up data.
    This is important, because in the original game, the base and promoted classes share level-up data, so swapping the promoted classes' level-up data in this step would actually reset the data to their original slots.
  8. Save the changes in the Class editor
  9. At this point, the two classes have swapped positions.
    • BlackBelt is outside starting MP range, so no starting MP.
    • BlackBelt never gains MP, so he doesn't need Hold or Post-Hold MP set.
    • Thief and Ninja are now normal magic users.
    • The 2nd Post-HoldMP slot is still available (could give Master some spells).



The enemies editor has received a couple of minor changes:

Enemies Settings for information on the settings for this editor.
Byte 15
Select the enemy to edit in the list to the left.
Byte 15 represents the Attack Element (which I believe is unused in the original game due to a bug).
A setting will change the editor to display this byte as 8 check boxes, representing element flags.
View Usage
Click the button to view where the enemy is used.
The window that appears will display any Overworld encounter domains, Standard map encounters, spiked square encounters, and Sprite initiated battles.
Unlike the Battle editor, only battles with this specific enemy are included.
For example, Garland is in Battle 7F Formation 1 (used by his TOF sprite), but not Formation 2 (IronGol on TOFR's Air floor), so only the Sprite initiated battle is shwon here.



No functional changes have occurred in the shops editor.

Shop TypeSpecifies the types of shops, which will determine the controls show for this shop.
LocationThe location hosting the shop.
Item ListThe items available in the shop.
These are display for all shop types except Clinic and Inn.
Shop PriceFor the Clinic and Inn, this is the service price.
Item PricesPrices of the items, range 0-65535.
Remove ItemRemove this item from the Item List. Any items under this slide up a slot.
The ROM address of the shop's item list.
To change the pointer, type in a new address, and then click the Change Ptr button when it becomes active.
This is an expert feature; unless you understand how pointers work, it's best to avoid using this feature.


Be VERY careful using this, as you could create an unusable store, or crash the game if the edited pointer value is off by even one byte.
Edit LabelEdit the Shop Location label.
New SlotAdd a new Shop Location slot if there's a free slot.
Delete SlotRemoves the selected Shop Location, freeing up its slot.
Starting GoldStart with this much gold in a new game. A 24-bit value, but limit it to 999999 to avoid display problems.



The magic editor now exposes the unused byte 7.
See Magic Settings for information on the settings for this editor.

EffectRadioThe type of effect the spell has when cast.
Effectivity (Damage)0-255Strength of the spell relative to it's Effect type.
Effectivity (Negative Effect)FlagsThe ailments inflicted on enemy targets.
Effectivity (Positive Effect)FlagsThe ailments removed from player targets.
Accur (hex)0-FFAffects the ability for the spell to hit (i.e. reach its upper damage range).
Price0-65535Shop cost of the spell.
Byte 70-255An unused by in the spell's data block.
Allows ROM hacks to edit this value as a decimal number.
ElementFlagsElements used with the spell (typically for targeting enemies)
Base 0-255 Used in out-of-battle calculations for Cure and Heal.
It's best to keep the base values as powers of 2.
Other values can produce unexpected results.
Range 0-255 Used as in out-of-battle calculations for Cure and Heal.
These values determine the range of the spell.
It's best to keep the range values as (powers of 2) - 1 (e.g. 7, 15, 31, etc.).
Other values can produce unexpected results.



The weapons editor now displays the critical hit rate as a decimal number.



The text editor has received a handful of changes:

Select the text type to edit in the list to the left, then select an entry in the right-hand list.

Text categoryThe category of the text to edit.
Text entryAn in-game text string in the selected category.
PtrROM Offset to the start of the actual text.
Change Ptr
Enter a new value in the Ptr field, then click this button to update the ROM offset marking the start of the text for this slot.
This is an expert feature; unless you understand how pointers work, it's best to avoid using this feature.


Invalid pointers will ruin the in-game text and likely crash the game.
Delete SlotRemoves the selected slot from the list of text entries
New SlotAdds a new slot to the text entry list
View with DTE
If the text contains any Dual Tile Encoding characters, view them as actual characters instead of {hex} placeholders.
e.g. when checked, display RedMage instead of R{80}{52}ge.
NOTE: FFHackster had DTE turned on for classes by default.Classes has DTE turned on by default.
FFHEx maintains this same behavior.
The class names render as normal tiles, but when updated they will silently convert to DTE text when this box is checked.
Keep this in mind, especially if you also use tools outside of FFH or FFHEX to modify text.
If you don't want this behavior, then select Classes and uncheck the "View with DTE" checkbox.
KAB labelKnown available bytes: the number of free bytes left for text in this category
A text field with an adjacent Find button, that when clicked will search the text list for a match. Two things to consider:
  • For the Intro category, the multiline text box is searched instead.
  • For non-Intro categories, to make find more effective, turn on the setting to show game text in the text list instead of game labels.
    You can turn it off after seaching if desired.
Pressing ENTER while the text field is focused will also perform a search (as if the Find button was pressed).
The search highlights the next item it finds, and loops to the beginning when the end of the list or search text is reached.
Field to edit the contents of the selected text entry.
Can be single line or multiline.

New Categories for FFHEX

Intro Text

The Intro category allows editing of the text displayed in the intro, normally shown when the game is powered on.

Shop Text

The Shop category edits text shown in shop menus.

Status Text

The Status Menu category edits text shown in the inventory screen menus.

Story Text

The Story category edits text in the Prologue (i.e Bridge) scene and Epilogue (i.e. Ending).
Use the up/down arrows to change the break point between Bridge and Ending pages.
There are 25 pages; in the original game, the Bridge scene uses 4 pages and all pages after that are used by the Ending.
The arrows change the last page number used by the Bridge/Prologue.

startingitems]=[Starting Items

Starting Items

Choose the key items and consumables to give the party when starting a new game.
Also allows the choice of timing of Bridge intro event to be set.

Bridge Scene
Select if or when the bridge scene occurs:
Upon stepping on the bridge: normal behavior
When overworld first displays: scene displays BEFORE player takes control
Never: the scene is never shown during the game
Overworld Vehicles and Land Features
These flags determine what features are visible/available when starting a new game.
Check the relevant box to make the feature available at the beginning.
Canoe Flag allows the use of the canoe on the Overworld Map.
The other check boxes make the vehicles or land features visible at the start.
Key items
Check an item to place in the party's inventory when starting a new game.
The CANOE inventory item (not the canoe on the Overworld map).
  • In the original game, this item triggers the display of the item "CANOE" in the inventory screen. Note that if the Canoe flag isn't checked, then the canoe is not usable on the overworld screen.
Pay attention in the sprite/event editor when changing events, as you'll want to avoid giving the CANOE item without setting the CANOE flag and vice versa.
Enter a value from 0-99 to start a new game with that quantity of the item.
*Using values with more than 2 digits (i.e. a value > 99) requires a hex/assembly hack

spritedialogue]=[Sprite Dialogue Editor

Sprite Dialogue

Inspired by Paulygon's FFHackster Companion (aka FFHackster Plus), this editor allows you to edit the dialogue events of the game's sprites.
See Sprite Dialogue Settings for information on the settings for this editor.

Select the sprite on the left, then select the events in the right-hand list.


The list contains an entry for each of the game's sprites. The names of the sprites are loaded from the sprite labels stored with the project.

Dialog Routine dropdown

The dropdown is populated with the names of the recognized routines in the dialogue file.


The grid contains the elements that make up the event. These are defined in the project's dialogue file. See Sprite Dialogue Data for more information about the data that populates this editor.

SpriteThe sprite to edit
TypeThe type of the event.
ValueThe value to change (either dropdown or integer)
DescA customizable description for the event

NOTE The dialogue editor now allows selection of battles in the range 80-FF.


The .dialogue INI file is used to help the editor understand how to locate and edit the handler routines for both Assembly and ROM projects.
If there are discrepancies between the routines listed in the INI and the routines found in the game, then the editor will (depending on settings) either issue a warning or prevent the editor from launching.

If warning, then the editor will launch, but sprites using handlers that aren't declared in the INI file will be disabled.

Preview of new map editors (introduced in

This release includes preview versions of new map editors.
To access them:
  • On the main window, click the Editors button
  • Locate the $preview-localmap and $preview-stdmap entries
  • For both, click the Source column, then select the "show as" option

After clicking OK, the main window should bow show the editors.
You can use the Editors window to change the order of the editor buttons.

The changes for each preview editor are described in the related editor sections below.

standardmaps]=[Standard Maps

Standard Maps

The standard map editor edits tiles and sprites for all local maps in the game.

For more info on the custom map tools, see Custom Map Tools.
For more info on the Coords, see Coords.

PalettesClick a cell to alter that color for the given palette.
Encounter RateThe lower the value, the less likely a battle occurs with each step.
Set to 0 to disable battles
Set to 255 for a battle with every step
In the original game, standard maps set this to 8 except:
  • Sky Castle 5f (the bridge) is 24
  • TOFR Earth floor is 9
  • TOFR Fire floor is 10
  • TOFR Water floor is 11
  • TOFR Air floor is 12
  • TOFR Chaos floor is 1
The lower rate on TOFR Chaos is moot since the walkable tiles on that floor don't trigger battles in the original game.
Tile set dropdownSelects the tile set to use with this map.
Click Edit Label button to the right of the dropdown to edit the label.
NOTE The palettes DO NOT change when change the tile set.
Tile Data Edits the data properties of the currently selected cell in the tile set.
In the main map, right click a tile to highlight its corresponding cell in the tile set.
Alternatively, click the cell in the tile set with either button to select it directly.
Then, select one of the options in the Tile Data section to change the properties of the tile set cell. Doing so will immediately update all tile map tiles using that cell.
TilesEdit the tile set, which furnishes tiles used by this map.
Double left click to edit the tile graphics.
Double right click to edit the tile tint (used only in the editor).
For more on editing tiles, see Tiles.
SpritesUpdate the positioning, appearance , and behaviour of sprites.
Assign the sprite dialogue ID of the behavior you want for the sprite on the map.
e.g. In the original game's Coneria map, Arylon the dancer has sprite dialogue ID 0x35 (hex).
Import / Export
Also, you can export the pattern table to a bitmap, edit that with an external editor, and import the result.
Take care to respect the expectation that this bitmap should be either 16 color (4-bit) or 256 colors (8-bit). Both bit sizes are quantized to be NES palette-compatible.
DomainSet up the battles encountered for the map.
Select the battle from the first dropdown.
Check F-2 to use formation 2 for the battle on that line.
The probability values next to the "/64" labels are global, shared by the Overworld and all Standard maps.
The total of the 8 values should be 64.

Preview Standard Map Editor

A preview version of a new Standard Map editor introduces the following features:

The popout map supports the same features as the embedded map.
The popout window is moveable and resizable, and currently is above the main window in the z-order.
When it first appears, it is initially in the same position as the embedded map. Once resized and moved, it retains that positioning until the editor is closed.
The popout and embedded maps do not appear at the same time.

While the drawing tool buttons have been moved and redesigned, their functionality hasn't changed.

Active windowKey/ButtonFunction
Main EditorPopout ButtonDisplays the popout and hides the embedded map area.
Main EditorF6Toggle focus between main editor and popout windows.
Main EditorF7Toggles visibility between the embedded map and popout window.
Main EditorESCAPE
If the popout is open, closes the popout.
Otherwise, closes the editor.
PopoutF6Toggle focus between main editor and popout windows.
PopoutF7Closes the popout window.
PopoutESCAPECloses the popout window.

overworldmaps]=[Overworld Maps

Overworld Map

The overworld map editor edits tiles and map objects.

For more info on the custom map tools, see Custom Map Tools.
For more info on the battle backdrops, see Battle Backdrops.
For more info on the Coords, see Coords.

Battle Backdrop Select and edit the backdrop used in battles on this tile.
NOTE If the tile is a teleport to a standard map, then the backdrop specified here will be used for all standard map battles until returning to the Overworld - even if teleporting from one standard map to another.
This is notable in the Sky Castle and TOFR.
  • Since TOFR is accessed while inside the Temple of Fiends, TOFR uses the Temple of Fiends battle backdrop.
  • Since Sky Castle is accessed while inside the desert Tower, Sky Castle uses the Tower battle backdrop.
PalettesClick a cell to alter that color for the given palette.
Encounter RatesThe lower the value, the less likely a battle occurs with each step.
Set to 0 to disable battles
Set to 255 for a battle with every step
In the original game:
Land is set to 10
Sea is set to 3 (less frequent battles while sailing)
Tile Data Edits the data properties of the currently selected cell in the tile set.
In the main map, right click a tile to highlight its corresponding cell in the tile set.
Alternatively, click the cell in the tile set with either button to select it directly.
Then, select one of the options in the Tile Data section to change the properties of the tile set cell. Doing so will immediately update all tile map tiles using that cell.
TilesEdit the tile set, which furnishes tiles used by this map.
Double left click to edit the tile graphics.
Double right click to edit the tile tint (used only in the editor).
For more on editing tiles, see Tiles.
Import / Export
Also, you can export the pattern table to a bitmap, edit that with an external editor, and import the result.
Take care to respect the expectation that this bitmap should be either 16 color (4-bit) or 256 colors (8-bit). Both bit sizes are quantized to be NES palette-compatible.
DomainSet up the battles encountered for this domain grid square.
Select the battle from the first dropdown.
Check F-2 to use formation 2 for the battle on that line.
The probability values next to the "/64" labels are global, shared by the Overworld and all Standard maps.
The total of the 8 values should be 64.

Preview Overworld Map Editor

A preview version of a new Overworld Map editor introduces the following features:

The popout map supports the same features as the embedded map.
The popout window is moveable and resizable, and currently is above the main window in the z-order.
When it first appears, it is initially in the same position as the embedded map. Once resized and moved, it retains that positioning until the editor is closed.
The popout and embedded maps do not appear at the same time.

While the drawing tool buttons have been moved and redesigned, their functionality hasn't changed.

Active windowKey/ButtonFunction
Main EditorPopout ButtonDisplays the popout and hides the embedded map area.
Main EditorF6Toggle focus between main editor and popout windows.
Main EditorF7Toggles visibility between the embedded map and popout window.
Main EditorESCAPE
If the popout is open, closes the popout.
Otherwise, closes the editor.
PopoutF6Toggle focus between main editor and popout windows.
PopoutF7Closes the popout window.
PopoutESCAPECloses the popout window.
MinimapF6Toggle focus between main editor and popout windows.
MinimapF7Toggles visibility between the embedded map and popout window.
MinimapESCAPECloses the Minimap window.

partysetup]=[Party Setup

Party Setup

Configure the default party settings, and control how many initial classes are selectable on the new party screen.

# of ClassesThe number of classes available to select in a new game.
*Note that the first 6 classes display fine, others after that have display errors.
A ROM hack is needed to fix those display errors.
Char ClassThe default class for the given character slot.
Fixed PartyIf checked, the classes cannot be changed on the new party screen.
This forces the player to start the game with the default party.

NOTE: Fields in tables with this tinted background require some hex/assembly hacking to work properly. Modifying values in the editor will not trigger visible changes in the game; hex/code changes are required to accomplish that.