Release - FFHacksterEx

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NOTE: Since I'm an unknown developer and these files are new releases,some anti-malware programs (e.g Norton 365) could quarantine some of the executables due to lack of reputation.
The source is available, so the entire project can be built to avoid having to worry about executable risks or touch anti-malware settings.

February update (beta)

February 27, 2023

Editor enhancements and bug fixes.


  • Edit ROM now looks for ROMs instead of projects. #125
  • Publish Path not being respected by Edit ROM or Create Project. #128
  • Class editor text correction and slight control repositioning. #130
  • Various dialog controls will now trigger OK when ENTER is pressed. #131
  • Update owner draw check and radio message handling. #133
  • Adding value SPELLLEVEL_COUNT. #135
  • Use count value instead of hardcoding armor byte count. #139
  • Fix Classes Editor inaccurate magic perm copyswap. #140
  • Unzip Project button should use the Project Parent folder pref. #142
  • Revert now only game data. #149
  • Checkboxes in AppSettings dialog now respond to ENTER. #153
  • Update comments in .dialogue and some comment cleanup. #157


  • Implement armor type editing. #132
  • Armor editor copy swap. #136
  • Copy-swap for weapons. #137
  • Added swap to Magic editor, cleanup for Magic, Weapon, Armor editors. #144
  • Prompt to skip backup or provide backup folder. #151
  • Show project file version in project settings dialog. #154

FFHacksterEx app Win x86 (zip)

FFHacksterEx app Win x64 (zip)

FFHacksterEx local help (zip)

See Setup and Start for tips on setting up local help.

FFHacksterEx Project Template Installer (VS2019)

Source on GitHub