


App setting: Always compile before running

When this is NOT checked, no code changes will be built before trying to run the game with the Run button.

disch-macros]=[Macros preserved from Original Disch Asm

Macros preserved from Original Disch Disassembly


LDABRA immediate_value, label_name

While the 6502 instruction set provides an opcode for unconditional jumps, it does not provide one for unconditional branches.
This macro provides a workaround for LDAs on immediate values by following it with either a BNE or BEQ. depending on if the immediate value was equal to zero.
Because an immediate value can be evaluated before the code is compiled, the LDABRA macro only emits either the BNE or BEQ as appropriate, not both.
For this specific case, there's a one byte savings over using LDA followed by JMP.

If the value is 0, then

LDABRA #0, some_label
is replaced with
LDA #0
BEQ some_label

If the value is non-zero (say $40), then

LDABRA #$40, some_label
is replaced with
LDA #$40
BNE some_label


PAGECHECK label_name

Issues a warning if current line (i.e. current instruction) is on a different page than the instruction on or following the specified label.

This macro compares the high bytes of the current instruction and that on or following the label. If they don't match, then a build warning is issued (but no other action is taken).


Performs the same check as PAGECHECK, but issues a build error and blocks compilation if the check fails.

It uses the CC65 macro ASSERT, see the CC65 docs for more info.


WaitScanline (Bank F in the original game) uses this macro to guard againstloops crossing a page boundary, which invariably results in catastrophic memory corruption.

The underlined lines in the snippet below indicate the instructions being checked against the current instruction (following each CRITPAGECHECK macro).

The bolded lines (after #Loop and @Reload) are the instructions against which the current instruction's page address is checked.

    LDY #16          ; +2 cycles
    DEY            ;   +2
    BNE @Loop      ;   +3  (5 cycle loop * 16 iterations = 80-1 = 79 cycles for loop)
CRITPAGECHECK @Loop      ; ensure above loop does not cross page boundary
    LDA tmp+2        ; +3
    DEC tmp+2        ; +5
    BNE @NoReload    ; +3 (if no reload -- 2/3)
                     ;   or +2 (if reload -- 1/3)
CRITPAGECHECK @NoReload  ; ensure jump to NoReload does not require jump across page boundary
    LDA #3           ; +2   Both Reload and NoReload use the same
    STA tmp+2        ; +3    amount of cycles.. but Reload reloads tmp+2
    RTS              ; +6    with 3 so that it counts down again
    LDA #0           ; +2

dischannot-macros]=[Macros introduced in Disch Annotated Asm

Macros introduced in Disch Annotated Disassembly


NILS count

Generates the specified count of NOPs.
NOPS are opcode $EA, so the result is a run of .BYTE declarations filled with $EA.
It calls the OP macro, see that macro below for more details.
NILS 47.BYTE $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA
.BYTE $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$EA, $EA,$EA


OP opcode, count

Generates a run of opcodes of the form

.BYTE opcode, opcode, ..., opcode

For example, NILS uses it to generate runs of NOPs, i.e.



OP $EA, 8


JUMPTO address

An extension macro used with Disch's LongCall routine.
Specifies the address of a routine as the target of an unconditional jump.
Expands to

.WORD address

See INBANK below for more detail.


INBANK bank_number

An extension macro used with the LongCall routine.
Specifies the bank number of the routine specified by JUMPTO.
Expands to

.BYTE bank_number

While this isn't part of the original game, that routine is an experimental extension that FFHEX supports. The purpose of LongCall is to allow cross-bank routine calls without needing a lot of boilerplate/setup code at each call site. The pattern looks like this, assuming that this is called from (say) Bank C:

JSR LongCall
JUMPTO SomePriceRelatedRoutineInBankD    ; sets carry if some condition met
... code after the long call, e.g.
BCS @DoThisIfCarryIsSet

LongCall uses the stack and the tmp buffer to set up a bank switch to the bank specified by INBANK and an unconditional JMP to the address specified by JUMPTO.
When the routine we JMP'd to eventually returns via RTS, it will return to the LongCall routine, which will retrieve the original bank number, swap back to the original bank, and then return via RTS to the instruction after INBANK (in this case the BCS).

The JUMPTO and INBANK macros only serve as visual, searchable cues for the LongCall params. Without them, the code would look like this:

JSR LongCall
.WORD SomePriceRelatedRoutineInBankD    ; sets carry if some condition met
... code after the long call, e.g.
BCS @DoThisIfCarryIsSet

LongCall is incredibly useful once you understand the principle and the caveats; read more about it in these posts on the RHDN forums:

dlgparam-macro]=[The DLGPARAM Macro


FFHEx adds this macro to support assembly hacks in the Sprite Dialogue editor.

The sprite dialogue editor can handle both ROM and Assembly projects. For assembly projects, there's a special case where the editor needs help handling parameters.

Remember that assembly support is currently hacky, and relies on discerning patterns in source code of the routine instead of implementing an embedded assembler. Therefore, the support for assembly is limited to a small set of instructions.

While this isn't an issue with the routines included in the original game, there is a problem that can happen with modified assembly hacks. If a routine implicitly uses a sprite parameter, then the editor can't recognize that.
Implicit use means that the routine doesn't refer to the parameter index anywhere within its body, but does so indirectly by calling another routine that does refer to the parameter.

Since the editor only examines the routine in question, it doesn't know if any routine iot calls accesses any parameters.
Consider an example of adding the new routine below.

 ;; An NPC will unconditionally award you some money.
 ;;  [1] The golditem index to award
 ;;  [2] displays the message that prints how much money you received
 ;;  [3] a message of encouragement after awarding the money

 JSR CheckMyEventFlag         ; checks [0] (this sprite's event flag)
 :+                       ; if not tripped
   JSR NPCAwardMoney          ; sets flag for NPC [0], awards gold in [1], and sets dlg_itemid to [1]
   DLGPARAM tmp+1             ; tell the editor that [1] = golditem ID to give            ;|:elem0
   LDA tmp+2                  ; print [2], which should display dlg_itemid using {02}     ;|:elem1
 LDA tmp+3                    ; already gave, print [3]                                   ;|:elem2

This routine instructs an NPC to award an amount of money to the party once.
It takes 3 params as noted in the comments; each param is referenced as
because the params are loaded into the first 4 bytes of tmp.

However, notice that without using the DLGPARAM macro, the first param isn't referenced. That is, tmp+1 is not used anywhere within this routine; it's referenced in the body of the NPCAwardMoney routine. Since this routine has no reference to tmp+1, the editor would not know to allow the first param to be modified or how to modify its contents.

By adding a DLGPARAM tmp+1 line with a reference to elem0, the editor will add a line tying the dialogue entry elem0 to the first sprite parameter.
In this case, elem0 dictates the first sprite param identifies a gold item ID.