Welcome to FFHacksterEx

FFHacksterEx (FFHEx) is an EXPERIMENTAL extension of FFHackster (FFH).
It's not an official successor to FFH, but it does add a few new editors and additional capabilities to support more types of hacks.
At it's core, it's still FFHackster; all of the orignal FFH editors are in place.

New Editors

FFHEx adds three new editors to open up more hacking opportunities:
Party Setup - configure initial party classes.
Starting Items - assign new game starting items (including consumables).
Sprite Dialogue - edit dialogue events for all sprites in the game.

A new way to manage your work

FFHEx uses a project-based approach.
This allows each hack to maintain its own set of resources (labels, values, etc.).
Customize a project, then archive it and use that as template for new projects.
Also, configurable offsets allow you to accommodate hacks that have moved things around.

It's not just ROM hacking anymore

In addition to editing ROMs, FFHEx also has limited support for editing assembly source.
Using an annotated copy of Disch's FF1 Disassembly, FFHEx can actually apply to the source code the same edits it would to a ROM.
These assembly projects can then produce a ROM with all of the changes.
Combined with configurable offsets, this allows you to use the familiar editors and create new ones for more advanced assembly hacks without the need to hex-edit relocated data.

Extend your hacking experience with custom editors

We know that ROM hacks can often move things around.
Advanced hacks might even add new features (or alter existing ones), breaking FFH in whole or in part.
FFHEx allows you to write extensions that add new editors (or override existing ones) to handle changes that would otherwise require hex editing. And if things move around in ROM, you can adjust the ROM offset values used by the editors.